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Gathering and Pipes
Aspire Energy is, first and foremost, a natural gas gathering company.
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Combined Heat and Power
Combined heat and power (CHP) technology is an efficient way to generate power and steam through a single natural gas fuel source.
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Natural Gas is Safe, Abundant, Reliable, Efficient and Economical
Aspire Energy is, first and foremost, a natural gas gathering company. We pursue large scale unconventional gas gathering projects as well as renewable natural gas (RNG) projects. Gas from our gathering systems that is not distributed to local distribution companies (LDCs) or other end-users is transported to interstate pipelines. To connect with larger interstate pipelines, the gas must first be compressed, and if needed, processed to remove natural gas liquids (NGLs).
Expansive Investment
We pursue investments at all levels of development. We have the capability to assist developers in several parts of the value chain, from gathering shale gas or RNG and taking it to market via pipeline buildout to serving end-users through Consumers Gas Cooperative. By identifying innovative solutions, we serve our existing markets and reach out to new markets with new service offerings.

Pipeline Solutions and Partnerships
Aspire Energy can work quickly to provide a pipeline solution and gain access to a transmission tap if the need for service is outside our existing footprint. We can supply natural gas demand needs as well as provide offtake for anaerobic digester or landfill gas facilities. With the support of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Aspire Energy also has the ability to provide solutions including gas cleanup and equity partnership in RNG projects.